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品 牌: 青州金鑫 
型 号: 热镀锌 
规 格: 全 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 山东 潍坊市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-07-27
浏览次数: 266
发布供求信息 推广企业产品
建立企业商铺 在线洽谈生意
  山东省青州市金鑫温室材料有限公司位于江北花卉之乡——山东青州。青州历史文化底蕴深厚,经济蓬勃发展、交通便利、物流给力,给金鑫的发展提供了良好的发展平台。金鑫本着诚信、品质、服务三大理念,在保护生态平衡、改善环境质量的前提下凭借多年不断创新的先进技术先后研究开发了阳光板温室骨架、玻璃温室骨架、圆拱温室骨架、球形温室骨架、5mm单玻璃型材、8mm、10mm阳光板温室铝型材、墙面中空玻璃型材、墙面单玻璃型材、开窗系列齿轮齿条、内外遮阳系统齿轮齿条等多种系列产品。公司产品自投放市场以来,以优质的产品、合理的价格、周到的服务赢得了广大新老客户的一致好评!铝型材说明本铝合金型材特殊部位使用专用型材,避免通用性造成“大材小用”或“小材大用”;特殊部位结构强度和刚度均有提高,增强温室整体抗风载和雪载的能力,让您的温室“立于不败之地”。 ·密封性能更好:  温室保温性能体现在保温覆盖材料的选择使用和温室整体的密闭性两个方面,镶嵌固定覆盖材料的铝合金型材设计安装的密闭性对温室保温性能起着很大的作用(据有关研究表明影响因素占30%),尤其是在窗户的设计上。本套型材从设计理念上进行了改进,有效的解决了传统型材密封难、容易漏气的问题。 ·保护板材更佳:  从型材结构设计上,保护板材端部密封带不破损。 ·安装使用简易:  以往温室专用铝型材在安装过程中加工量较大,需要在高空完成窗户和其他部件的装配;本套温室专用型材在设计之初就充分考虑了现场施工的复杂性和不确定性,以人为本,减少了现场的切割装配工作,节约安装工时,提高施工效率。 ·铝材用途:  适用于小屋脊文洛式和大屋面等多种温室;适用于8mm或10mm两种板材;适用屋面角度在22°-30°之间。 ·外形美观大方:  优化了部分铝型材外形尺寸,保证安装使用过程中不变形、不裂缝;每批铝型材都经过严格检验,保证氧化膜的厚度均匀一致。 ·综合成本降低:  本套温室专用型材的用量较低,经核算比原LC99系列节约铝材用量可达40%(依具体温室型式和开窗数量而不同)。
Qingzhou Jinxin Engineering is located in the Town of Flower in  Qingzhou city, Shandong. Qingzhou, one of the ancient “Nine States”, is located in the middle of Shandong Chersonese. The historical and cultural heritage is rich, and economy develops quickly. Jiaozhou-Jinan Railway、Yangkou-Linqu Railway、Jinan-Qingdao Expressway and Changchun-Shenzhen Expressway cross and link in Qingzhou, and 309 State Road, 352 provincial highway and others pass through the territory. Transportation is convenient, which provides convenient environment for the logistics of Jinxin.
    We are a enterprise that committed to the modern high efficient agricultural equipments and facilities production. We are also a high-tech enterprise that specialized in the plan, design, research and development of greenhouse engineering, and steel structure production, installation, greenhouse materials, greenhouse accessories, temperature controller, quilt and service as a whole.
    Meantime, we develop more than 20 kinds of products, such as  greenhouse restaurant, PC greenhouse, glass greenhouse, research greenhouse, tunnel, gutter-connected greenhouse, solar greenhouse, and so on. Since the launch of company's products on the market, we have received high praise of the majority of users with its honesty as basis, superior quality, scientific design, thoughtful service and reasonable price.
    To this day, we regards the "high-quality products, reasonable price, thoughtful service, and good reputation" as the enterprise strategy. We keep on improve technology and enhance service with the goal that satisfying customers. Through the continuous efforts, we introduce the first-class talents, and develop industries complying with the national situation to contribute the strength of our part to the development of China's horticultural facilities and the prosperity of greenhouse industries! 
联系人 李经理:
电话:        13721951005
QQ:         2908281468
地址:        山东省青州市花卉市场东2公里路南
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